Contact & Directions


  HOME  |  Current Work |  EarthBound Pottery   Potter : Janet Hyde  | C.A.W.2015


EarthBound Pottery

The EarthBound workshop /studio is situated on a small farm 17 kms west of Whangarei central off Highway 14 - to Dargaville.

The pottery studio /  and farm produce shop are open most weekends
from mid October -Easter each year

On weekdays  pottery work can be viewed at the workshop studio by appointment.

Pottery classes are run on demand , either for a group or an individual.


Contact:            Janet Hyde

Postal address : P.O. Box 4 , Maungatapere,

                         Whangarei, 0152 New Zealand

Physical address : 125 Nisbet Road, Maungatapere    

                          Whangarei, Northland, New Zealand

Email address:   EarthBound Pottery

Telephone:           (09) 4347 288




















Road directions to EarthBound Pottery





The EarthBound studio shop is open to all interested visitors and customers most weekends from from mid October to Easter time. Te Oranga,s fresh farm produce is also on hand : fresh cut flowers, bouquets, farm eggs and in season fruit plus Ecoland's wooden toys.


 Hours: 10.00am - 3.00pm









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